The band director works closely with the booster President and Board to create a budget each year that is an estimation of the necessary operation expenses needed for the following school year. Very few expenses are covered through school board contributions so it is necessary to charge each student to cover additional expenses such as music, marching shows, additional instructors, transportation and other miscellaneous items.
Marching Band/Color Guard Fees are $600.00 per student
Winter Guard or Winter Percussion Fees (To be determined)
Concert Band Fees are $150 and cover the cost of music, copies, instrument rental and repair, transportation via bus to MPA performance, travel expenses for parades, trailer maintenance, and banquet costs, awards (letters and bars, pins) etc
There are two ways to pay band fees.
OPTION 1: Corporate Sponsorship
You can use corporate sponsorship to cover your band fees.
OPTION 2: Pay $600
Band fees can be paid all at once or you can make monthly payments throughout the marching band season.
Please contact the band treasurer at ofhswpbtreasurer@gmail.com to work out a payment schedule or to inquire if you are eligible for any available band scholarships.
Band fees can also be reduced by reaching the minimum 25 hours per semester of volunteer hours.
Checks can be made payable to: OFHS Band Boosters and can be dropped in the box in the bandroom.
If you prefer to pay online, we offer PAYPAL as a way to pay band fees, uniforms, or trip costs.
Using PayPal, you’ll have the benefits of making payments using your credit or debit card or linking to your checking account for a secure withdraw directly from your checking account.
NOTE: when using PayPal, you must increase your payment by 3.2% to cover the cost of the processing fee. Any transactions completed without the fee will have the fee added to their next student account statement.
By clicking on the “Pay Now” button located below, you’ll be directed to a secure PayPal website that is linked to the Osceola Band Booster’s account.
Put the amount you want to pay in the "price per item" field then click continue.
DO NOT enter any login or password information. Click the "pay by Debit or Credit card" field.
Proceed to enter your card information to make your payment.
At the bottom of the page, use the “add special instructions to the seller’ box to include the student name and purpose for the payment such as band fee, uniforms, trip fees, etc.
Once complete, hit send and your payment will be made.